This site contains research and data related to Mormon-themed games and games featuring Mormonism, including: card games, board games, and video games.

Board Games

  • 3P2K (2000)
  • Ancestors (1979)
  • Articles of Faith Card Game (2001)
  • Aye, Aye, Nephi! (2002)
  • Bishop Rick (2001)
  • Blast from the Past (2008)
  • Book of Mormon Battles (2005)
  • The Book of Mormon Card Game
  • Book of Mormon Challenge (1993)
  • Book of Mormon Characters (1974)
  • Book of Mormon Journeys (1974)
  • Book of Mormon Jungle Journey (2002)
  • Book of Mormon Quest (1993)
  • Book of Mormon Quest (1995)
  • Crossing the Plains (1984)
  • Crossing the Plains: Experience Pioneer Life (1996)
  • Decoding Zarahemla (2021)
  • Forever Families (1980)
  • The Game of Emigration (1947)
  • Golden Questions (1963)
  • LDS Church History Game (1973)
  • Meet the Prophets (1981)
  • Missionary Blues (1981)
  • Missionary Game (1995)
  • Mormon-Opoly (2006)
  • Mortality (2002)
  • Out on a Limb (2002)
  • Progress: An L.D.S. Quiz Game (1958)
  • The “Roll” of the Missionary (1983)
  • Quest…A Family Home Evening Game (1970)
  • The Settlers of Zarahemla (2003)
  • Split the Ward (2005)
  • Zion: The Fascinating New L.D.S. Family Quiz Game [Large Version] (1959)
  • Zion: The Fascinating New L.D.S. Family Quiz Game [Small Version] (1959)

Card Games

Video Games


Apple iOS

Apple macOS

Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Xbox

Microsoft Xbox 360

Microsoft Xbox One

Sony PlayStation

Sony PlayStation 2

Sony PlayStation 3

Sony PlayStation 4

Sony PlayStation Portable
