3P2K (2000)

Ancestors (1979)

Articles of Faith Card Game (2001)

Aye, Aye, Nephi! (2002)

Bishop Rick (2001)

Blast from the Past (2008)

Book of Mormon Battles (2005)

The Book of Mormon Card Game

Book of Mormon Challenge (1993)

Book of Mormon Characters (1974)

Book of Mormon Journeys (1974)

Book of Mormon Jungle Journey (2002)

Book of Mormon Quest (1993)

Book of Mormon Quest (1995)

Crossing the Plains (1984)

Crossing the Plains: Experience Pioneer Life (1996)

Decoding Zarahemla (2021)

  • Cedar Fort Publishing & Media. “Decoding Zarahemla.” Accessed May 9, 2022. https://www.cedarfort.com/products/decoding-zarahemla.

Forever Families (1980)

The Game of Emigration (1947)

Golden Questions (1963)

LDS Church History Game (1973)

Meet the Prophets (1981)

Missionary Blues (1981)

Missionary Game (1995)

Mormon-Opoly (2006)

“An LDS variant of Monopoly in which players compete to build churches and do good works.”

  • “Mormon-Opoly.” BoardGameGeek. Accessed November 26, 2017. https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/32759/mormon-opoly.

Mortality (2002)

Out on a Limb (2002)

Progress: An L.D.S. Quiz Game (1958)

The “Roll” of the Missionary (1983)

Quest…A Family Home Evening Game (1970)

The Settlers of Zarahemla (2003)

“The Settlers of Zarahemla is a re-implementation of Catan themed around The Book of Mormon. Players try to contribute the most to the land of Zarahemla by building settlements, cities, roads, and helping construct the temple.”

  • Appelcline, Shannon. “Review of The Settlers of Zarahemla.” RPGnet RPG Game Index. July 7, 2004. Accessed November 25, 2017. https://www.rpg.net/reviews/archive/10/10462.phtml.

  • “The Settlers of Zarahemla.” BoardGameGeek. Accessed November 26, 2017. https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/6778/settlers-zarahemla.

Split the Ward (2005)

Zion: The Fascinating New L.D.S. Family Quiz Game [Large Version] (1959)

Zion: The Fascinating New L.D.S. Family Quiz Game [Small Version] (1959)